York Has a Brand New B&M Store Back

York Has a Brand New B&M Store Back


B&M return to Clifton Moor Retail Park in York after a four month absence following a fire which destroyed the previous store. B&M have offered jobs to all the employees from the former outlet, as well as creating 20 new jobs.

It will be the company’s second outlet in the York area, offering a wide range of groceries and household goods. As a mark of appreciation for all their efforts tackling the original store’s blaze, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue received VIP treatment as they were chosen to open the store. They were also given £250 towards the Fire service charity by the store. 

A Wide Range of Products

B&M are one of the leading variety retailers in the UK, offering a wide choice of food and drink, homeware, pet items, toys, health and beauty products, clothing and footwear, DIY and more. Founded in 1978, B&M have over 600 stores across the UK, employing more than 28,000 people. Known for value, they stock a range of both branded and own label products. Now customers will be able to once again visit B&M at the Clifton Moor Retail Park in York to shop, bringing further choice to the area again. 

A Familiar Name in a Familiar Place

The loss of the previous store to fire must have been devastating to both the company and its employees. However they can now return to Clifton Moor Retail Park in York as B&M move in to a unit previously occupied by Poundworld, just across the road from the fire destroyed store. The fire gutted the building within hours, forcing the fire service to close local roads and request residents to keep their windows shut. Luckily nobody was hurt in the fire and now trading can return to this part of York, with colleagues from the destroyed outlet having employment again. 

New Store Awaits

B&M report a lot of hard work has gone in to getting the new store on Clifton Moor Retail Park ready and open. This included a complete refurbishment of the unit inside and out. As well as the existing wide range of products their customers expect, the store has placed an application to sell alcohol with the council. As the old fire affected site starts to be cleared, employees and customers alike can focus on their new shop, with the company expressing how positive they feel in creating more local jobs.

News written by the team of The-shops.co.uk The-Shops.co.uk

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