Whatever packaging your shopping has will b of the reusable, recyclable variety, like glass. Or totally degradable, like paper. Why would that be? Well, it’s all because of the new zero waste movement, which has shops springing up all over the place. Not to be outdone, Cardiff goti its own zero waste shop lately. This brand new outlet is known as Viva Organic and as the name suggests, brings you some delightfully organic goods. Shopping in Cardiff will never be the same again. Especially if you like your shopping to be organic and package free. Or at least as package free as it can possibly be, under the circumstances.
One fifth of your shopping bill is usually wasted on packaging. The packaging industry has become incredibly sophisticated. The trouble is, most packaging is unnecessary. Do you really need your green tea bag to come in an individually-wrapped sachet made of non-biodegradable materials? No, you don’t. Firstly, you’re overpaying for it. Don’t you have better things to do with your money? Secondly, that tea-bag envelope will remain in the biosphere for generations. Let’s hope it won’t make it to the ocean, where many of its ilk does maximum damage, clogging up the natural resource which is the ocean. Thirdly, many of today’s goods are highly processed and contain very little of arganic value or real nutrition.
How is Viva Organic different? It stocks a range of goods which are minimally packaged and organically grown. Everything sold here retains its natural goodness and nutrition. Purchase fine goods like organic coffee and wine. And purchase everyday things such as lentils and rice too. You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that by shopping here, you’re supporting Viva Organic’s quest for a safer, more organic world. This company takes our planet seriously and shows it respect. Shopping here will give you the satisfaction of knowing that you too are showing love and respect for mother Earth. Our goods may be a little costlier. That’s the drawback. But isn’t it great knowing that your hard-earned cash is being spent on goods, rather than on packaging which will probably go in the bin? So what are you waiting for? Go to Cardiff’s Viva Organic and shop for a better world.
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