Urolime Technologies Brentford (Brentford, England, Tw8 9Es)

Urolime Technologies

Address & Contact

Brentford, England, Tw8 9Es
TW8 Brentford

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Urolime Technologies
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Services from the shop Urolime Technologies in Brentford

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Description of the shop Urolime Technologies in Brentford

Urolime is a leading DevOps consulting company with a handful of experience in supporting customers around the globe in adopting DevOps practices. As an AWS and Cloud consulting partner, Urolime not only has experience in Cloud Migrations but also support the vast customer base to enable scalable and highly available architecture on AWS, Azure, and GCP. The customers benefit from our expert involvement in Deployment Automation (CI/CD), Infrastructure Automation, Dockerization, Security, Disaster Recovery Planning & Implementation and 24/7 Managed Services with 10 Minutes SLA. Urolime is one of the companies which deals with a bunch of Kubernetes solution build for the customer on AWS, Azure, and GCP.


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