Phoenix Virtual Solutions California (1100 Town And Country Rd Suite 1250, Orange, Ca 92868)

Phoenix Virtual Solutions

Address & Contact

1100 Town And Country Rd Suite 1250, Orange, Ca 92868
NR29 California

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Description of the shop Phoenix Virtual Solutions in California

Phoenix Virtual Solutions is a leading offshore staffing company for healthcare providers, medical facilities, and management companies. We specialize in providing professional virtual staffing and solutions to the United States and Australian healthcare industries.

Phoenix was founded by former US Healthcare executives with over 75 years of combined expertise in US healthcare management and offshore staffing. Our rich knowledge of healthcare processes and best practices help clients improve workflow, increase patient traffic, provide better patient satisfaction, and enhance revenue-generating functionalities. We provide just-in-time staffing and back-office support with few risks and significant savings for doctors, dentists, physicians, laboratories, and healthcare companies.


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