Hog Roast Bolton Bolton (Weston St)

Hog Roast Bolton

Address & Contact

Weston St
BL3 Bolton

Display phone number
Hog Roast Bolton
Hog Roast Bolton - 1


Opening times for Hog Roast Bolton in Bolton

Services from the shop Hog Roast Bolton in Bolton

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Description of the shop Hog Roast Bolton in Bolton

There’s a lot to consider when planning an event, and providing delicious catering is probably the most essential element to making a party unforgettable. Don’t drive yourself crazy with the minute details and let Bolton’s No. 1 hog roasting company make your catering the centrepiece of your event! They can help make this happen by providing your party with the unique display of a succulent hog roasting to mouth-watering perfection. Your guests will be impressed as their dinner slowly spins in front of their very eyes and our expert team will ensure that every person at your event is well fed and content giving you the chance to relax and enjoy the day.


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